
Day variation. Homemade dress inspired by fashion plates.

Evening variation. Homemade dress inspired by fashion plates.

Day variation. Homemade dress inspired by a portrait.

Evening variation. Homemade dress inspired by a portrait.

Day variation. Homemade dress inspired by a portrait.

Combination day variation. Homemade dress inspired by a fashion plate.

Evening variation. Homemade dress inspired by a portrait.

Homemade coat inspired by a fashion plate.

Evening variation. Homemade dress inspired by a fashion plate.

Homemade riding habit inspired from a portrait.

Evening variation. Homemade dress inspired by fashion plates.

Day variation. Homemade dress inspired by fashion plates.
1840s & 1850s

Homemade replica of a kyoto costume institute cycling outfit

Homemade cycling bloomers with original top

Homemade replica of a walking dress from The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Homemade replica of a walking dress from The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Homemade replica of a gym suit from The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Old opera bodice with homemade harempants

Old opera bodice with homemade skirt

Homemade replica of an afternoon dress from the Texas Fashion Collection

Homemade replica of an afternoon dress from the Texas Fashion Collection

Homemade replica of an afternoon dress from the Minnesota Historical Society Fashion Collection

Homemade replica of an afternoon dress from the Minnesota Historical Society Fashion Collection

variation of combining pieces from different dresses

variation of combining pieces from different dresses

Homemade afternoon dress inspired by a fashion plate.

original 1900s black velvet cape
1930s & 1940s
This is only a small selection of my 1930s & 1940s wardrobe, as I wear these two era's on a daily basis.
All clothing pieces and accessoires are original pieces with the exception of shoes and knitted cardigans. (unless stated otherwise)